Wednesday, January 30, 2013

not much going on, but we're warmer than you!


Life goes on here in Sunny Florida. We had an interesting morning yesterday, spending it in the local emergency room. It appears I have re-injured an old rib fracture. Had I known that was the cause of my pain I would have done my best to ignore it and not bothered with the medical visit.

It’s my own fault, I never had it cared for properly when I fell in the hole and almost impaled myself on a post many years ago. Now when I re-injure it I usually try to work thru it until it re-knits and the pain goes away. Anyhow the pain progressed from an occasion jab of pain when I reached upwards the wrong way to a constant pain. I felt it snap a couple weeks ago while on the floor playing with the dogs and told Millie that was going to cause some pain. Working under the kitchen sink last week and the bathroom sink a couple days ago probably exasperated the current episode. Both times I was lying with my ribcage on the edge of the cabinet opening and had to reach up to the underside of the sink to work on the faucets.

Because the injury is on my flank at Kidney level and the pain was now constant I figured I better make sure there were no monsters growing inside.

At the hospital I was poked and prodded, questioned, fluids lab analyzed, kidneys ultra sounded, midsection Cat Scanned, and given a clean report as far as the insides go. The rib injury, there’s nothing they can do about that, they gave me some anti-inflammatory meds and muscle relaxer pills and was told to take it easy.

Today I finished setting up the awning and sunscreen, fixed the screen door latch and am going to fix a crack I found in the fiberglass shower this afternoon. What?..... I am taking it easy!

Millie is fine; she walks for exercise most every morning. Yesterday she played Nurse and took care of me, today she mostly read. Temps have been in the mid 80’s; we’re soaking up the warmth! I’ll try to take some new pictures tomorrow.

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