Sunday, February 24, 2013



It was another wonderful weather day here in Orlando; it was overcast but a nice moderate temperature. It was another shorts and T shirt day.

Yesterday we went to a car cruise-in over by Disney, today we didn’t have anything special planned and it ended up being a maintenance day. Millie did laundry; I cleaned the bathroom and ran the vacuum. In the afternoon we watched the Daytona 500. My RV friends Rebecca and Clay stopped by and watched the race with us. Everyone was rooting for Danica K. except me; I couldn’t decide whether I should cheer for the Lowes or Best Buy car. My thinking was I paid for at least a couple tires on the Best Buy car and for sure I’ve shopped at Lowes enough to by an engine!

Even though this is a timeshare type RV Park and we all rotate in and out every 21 days or so friendships are somehow maintained. Last night we ran into my Aunt Dorothy’s cousin Alice and her friend Henry at the activities center. Last week Ed Bibey and his wife were camped three sites down from us, on Pine Island in addition to the Locust Point crowd at their winter homes I ran into another coworker Jack Valachck from Chrysler at the RV Park, the week before that we saw Gary Wyatt. It’s crazy but we’re always running into someone I know. Millie doesn’t seem to know as many people out here on the road as me yet, but has a seven degrees to Kevin Bacon thing going on. Instead of Kevin Bacon its Danville Virginia that she finds a connection to with almost everyone she meets!

That’s all for now, we bought a bunch of DVD’s at a garage sale and are watching one a night. Tonight’s movie is Shooter with Mark Wahlberg.

Diary Photos
24th Feb 2013  Car cruise near Disney

24th Feb 2013  Car cruise

24th Feb 2013  Millie Skyping
Millie skyping with her family in New Mexico on her smart phone

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