Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pine Island



Our 14 day stay at Thousand Trails Orlando Campground just flew by, like the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun! Two notes of interest: in the last days of our stay we had a visit from one of my coworkers from Chrysler. I haven’t seen Gary Wyatt in a couple years; it was good to see him again. He and his wife Pat are RVing snowbirds like us and we usually cross paths at least once per winter down here.
The Saturday before we left we went to a U-pick citrus farm. We didn’t really know what we were doing but we picked at least 30 lbs of oranges of several varieties. We must have done something right because all we have eaten so far have been ripe and ready to eat.
                                                    Ramp we made for the girls access to the dash

On Sunday we drove down to Pine Island, which is just a bit northwest of Cape Coral. We will stay here for a week at the Pine Island KOA campround. There are several roads that lead from Orlando down to this area; we drove the longest route, 170 some miles down thru the center of the state. I’m always looking to take roads that Millie and sometimes myself haven’t traveled yet. We share the feeling that the journey is part of the adventure and should not be a hurried dash from one destination to another.

The fun continues!

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