Friday, March 8, 2013

The tall dark stranger

 8th Mar 2013
The tall dark stranger

Thursday evening was karaoke night at the campground meeting house and Millie and I walked up to check out the entertainers. Audience attendance was light which surprised us as the place was packed the other night for the jammers. We decided to stay as long as no one sang “Harper Valley PTA.” We’ve heard that sung at every music venue we’ve been too this winter!

One of the singers really surprised all of us; he was a big man, very tall with chiseled features and deeply tanned. He looked like a construction worker not an entertainer. His first two songs were Elvis tunes and they were flawless performances, he didn’t even look at the monitor for the lyrics, but knew them by heart. I told Millie there’s a story there; he must have a history of performing somewhere. Our only hint to his past came before he sang a song for his fiancée. He told how they had been married 40 years ago, divorced after two years and had just found each other again two years ago.

At the end of the evening they left and everyone started asking about him. No one knew him or had ever seen him before; he came in quietly, mesmerized us with his voice and then disappeared into the night.

See you down the road.

Diary Photos
8th Mar 2013  The tall dark stranger
Millie meets the most interesting man in the world at the San Jose Mexican restaurant in Sebring Florida.

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