Monday, July 1, 2013

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Sunday June 30 2013 was another soggy day in Rhode Island. We decided to go to the movies to see White House Down. It is an action film about one man rescuing the president when the white house is attacked by bad guys. It reminded me of a Bruce Willis’s Die Hard type film. 

We left early on our way to the theater and stopped at the waterfront town of Narragansett Pier. We walked the promenade along the water, stopping for a while to watch a surfing championship.

On our way from Narragansett to the movies we had a front brake caliber stick on the jeep. There doesn’t seem to be any end to the brake problems on the jeep. It cooled off while we were in the movies and hasn’t stuck since, but it will, it’s just a matter of time.
It all started after the jeep sat in the garage for about a year. In 2011 when I was downsizing my fleet of vehicles I started driving it again. Front calipers started sticking, the house was sold and I was living in the motorhome so I took it to a garage. They changed everything brake related in front of the firewall. It cost me a bunch but I figured it was a garage kept vehicle in like new condition so it was worth the money. In December 2012 it needed rear brake pads, I told the jeep dealer to just change out the rear calipers. He agreed that installing loaded calipers (calipers already fitted with new brake pads) was the way to go. As you know six months later one of those new calipers locked up earlier on this trip and I had to have the rear brakes replaced again in Delaware.

                                        Big white house in the background is Kennedy compound

Monday July 1, 2013 we departed Rhode Island looping around Narragansett Bay. Along the way we passed through the state capital of Providence and then cities of Fall River and New Bedford. Our destination campground is in Cape Cod Massachusetts, it is just across the street from Nantucket Sound. After setting up the motorhome on our site we took the jeep and drove over to Hyannisport. It is not hard to find the much photographed family compound of the Kennedys. No one came out to greet us; I guess they weren’t home!

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