Saturday, July 6, 2013

Visits to JFK Library and Salem

Friday July 5 2013. Temperatures are projected to be near 100 with a heat index of 105 today so we opted for an air conditioned attraction. We drove down to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in south Boston. It is located on a picturesque harbor side campus overlooking Massachusetts Bay.

The span of the exhibit timeline was JFK from student to President. No mention of his assassination, Oswald, or Dallas was made; only in a small black passage were there little TV screens running news footage of his funeral.

I’m going to give this attraction a must see rating. Even if you were around in 1960’s and think you know the JFK story, I’m sure you will be affected by the presentation, it’s one of those thought provoking experiences.
 Saturday July 6, 2013. We got up and moving early today as we had an early reservation in Salem Massachusetts. Instead our usual guided bus or trolley ride we went on a guided Segway tour of the infamous Salem Witch trials. Our guide, Arielle first gave us an orientation on the two-wheeled, self-balancing, battery-powered electric vehicles that we would be riding. After practicing in the tour company’s indoor class room we drove our Segways out the door and out into the historic downtown. Arielle told us all about the witch trials, which took place in a nine month period in 1692/1693 and resulted in the deaths of 20 people. Nineteen were hanged and one was pressed to death, none of the Salem witches were burned at the stake.

After returning to the motorhome we discussed where our next destination would be. We have to be home in a couple weeks so must stop our northern trek soon and as we used to say in the boating world, turn the pointy end toward home. Tomorrow morning we go to Arcadia National Park in Maine, it will be our northern most stop.

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