Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Billy Bob and the King

As you know whenever possible we travel with a flexible schedule and we were doing exactly that last week.  We had points of interest picked for several days ahead and penciled them onto our calendar. Looking at the calendar we were reminded of the Windsor Gate community yard sale. Millie had worked very hard preparing for this event and we didn’t want to miss it. We decided to keep our travel plans for the next two days and then head home in time for the sale.

Sunday Sept 15th we departed The Crater of Diamonds State Park and cruised up to Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas and the location of the President Billy Bob Clinton Library. We set up camp in an RV park on the Arkansas River directly across the Library. We walked across an old railroad bridge that has been converted into a pedestrian walkway and goes straight to the library.

 Now you know Billy Bob was a two term president during prosperous economic times. Luck that his tenure fell on a high cycle or skilled leadership is open to debate as the true economic stimulus but Billy Bob wants y’all to believe it was his doing. Indeed many good things happened during the Clinton Presidency but we just couldn’t get excited about the presentation. Maybe there was just too much horn tooting; Bill did this, bill saved that, Bill world peace, Bill blah, Bill Blah blah!

After the Billy Bob show we went several blocks down to the revitalized downtown waterfront, yes Bill took credit for that too. We had dinner in a sports bar, the food was good but it was very loud. But then all sports bars are loud.

Monday Sept 16th we drove to Memphis Tennessee, home of Elvis’s Graceland and legendary Beale Street. Elvis often visited the predominately black music venues on Beale Street, their music known as The Blues was a big influence on Elvis and early Rock and Roll.

We stayed at the RV Park directly across the street from Graceland. The RV Park, a hotel, several exhibit buildings and the welcome center are all part of the tourist attraction or to many, the shrine to the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley.

Entering the home I noticed that it is treated with reverence, visitors spoke in hushed tones and spent time in quiet reflection as we passed through the rooms. The Elvis Company is also respectful of the King, no one rushed us through the home, and there are no gift shops in the home. (There are many gift shops across the street) 

For me and I think for Millie also, touring Graceland made Elvis more of a person. There is no doubt he was a talented performer, but the image they project is that he was also a regular guy who never forgot his humble background.

It’s sad that he died so young but maybe it was the best way for the king of rock and Roll to exit. So many aging celebrities just don’t know when to retire. Anyhow, Elvis has left the building!

Tuesday Sept 17th we headed for home driving 400+/- miles to Georgia. We stayed overnight at a wonderful little state park named for the vice president of the Confederacy, A. H. Stephens. On Wednesday we drove the rest of the way home a distance of 250 miles.

Thursday and Friday we worked harder than the King of Paradise and his bride should have too, but we got everything staged and on Saturday we had a very successful day during the community yard sale.

Sunday I had planned on doing the blog but was too tired to think. Monday we went back to work, Millie worked in the motorhome (BTW, it now has a name, The Bus) and Doug and I are working on another project, this one in his home. So this was scribbled together late last night and very early this morning.

The adventure continues, see you down the road.

Larry and Millie

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