Sunday, September 1, 2013

Busy week in Los Alamos

(L-R)Rae Anne, Marcus, Evan, Millie, Dave

I haven’t written to the blog since our arrival in Los Alamos and I’ve actually had reader feedback saying they missed it, well actually two people but that is enough to inspire me.

Millie and I have been busy working in and around Dave and Rae Anne’s house and we wanted to get the bulk of the work done while the house was empty. The Kolman’s left two days after we got here for a vacation in Ocean City, New Jersey. That made it very convenient for us to work but I’m sure raises a few questions with you readers, like you drove 1800 miles to see them and they left?

The original plan was we would be here in the end of Sept and part of October well after they returned from the Jersey vacation. When Millie got on her Ophthalmologist's schedule for cataract surgery it meant we had to return to Myrtle Beach by early October. We moved the Los Alamos trip up and decided to get there by the 23rd of August even though we knew they were leaving because the 23rd is Rae Anne’s birthday. We will be here for a week after they return so will still get to spend time with them.

Why were we working on someone else’s house while we are on vacation? We’re always on vacation and the answer is because we wanted to. Dave and Rae Anne both work full time jobs and are raising two energetic youngsters, we left Myrtle Beach knowing we wanted to help them in any small way we could. Besides Millie and I are both workers and always have to be doing something, neither of us lets any moss grow under our feet. Millie is a Virginia farm girl and was married to and worked along side a master furniture builder, believe me she can do anything. Me, I’ve been around a project or two.

We did all sorts of things, from building a sand box for the kids to washing windows. I did a little electric work, Millie did some sewing, we worked in the yard, it was a fun week for us.

We did take one day and visited the Bandelier National Monument located not far from Los Alamos. The almost 40,000 acre park preserves both the unique geographic landscape and the history of the Pueblo people. It is a fascinating place and one that merits its own blog posting, which I will write about next.

See you down the road.


Marcus (L) and Evan (R)

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