Saturday, September 7, 2013

Did ET visit New Mexico?

I’m probably going outside the comfort zone for some of y’all with this posting, but it is an intriguing and thought provoking subject. So keep an open mind, don’t hide behind your religious beliefs or Darwinism evolutionary theorizes and I won’t bash either theory, I’m just suggesting early man had a little help doing some things.

A few months ago I watched a show on the History channel that proposed Extraterrestrial astronauts came to earth and helped man build the massive out of place, out of time structures such as the Great Pyramids of Egypt and the many Mayan cities in central and South America. The Far East is also home to many cities, monuments, etc that were built in a time that did not have the technology to accomplish the tasks.

 Could the earth have been visited by ETs and/or technologically superior humans in very ancient times and could these events have been recorded as encounters with "Gods" and "Flying Chariots" in ancient mythologies, legends and religions. Did these visitors teach man the skills needed to build the great structures? Who knows, but being a pragmatic show me the facts kind of guy, this theory seems very plausible to me.

 There are similar ancient accounts, mythologies, cults and religions from all around the world, all basically describing "Gods" that flew around, performed technical "miracles", created things, destroyed them, taught humans skills, etc.  Could it be possible that our ancestors were describing technological events they didn’t have the right vocabulary for? So saying "flames came out of the flying serpent" could very well be the description of an aircraft...for example.

For Religion the Gods were something unexplainable or almighty. I say why couldn’t there have been a Supreme Being in a Universe full of extraterrestrials? Maybe he was telling ET which peoples to visit.

For the science based thinkers, the existence of extraterrestrials does not contradict evolution-theory in any way. It does explain how man was able to leap ahead at certain times in his evolution and build incredible things.

By now you’re probably thinking old Larry has been out in the desert too long smoking coyote dung. Why else would he be writing this space man stuff? Well the truth is I was inspired to write about it while visiting the cave dwellings of Bandelier. There are many petroglyphs on the walls there, although crude carvings, you can recognize the animals, the sun and most of the other drawings. There is one strange anomaly in the pictures though, pictures of man or man like beings. Why is it that the ancient artists could create easily identifiable carvings of horses and dogs and the sun, but his carvings of two legged upright beings don’t look anything like Indians of the period? They look men.

petroglyph of a dog in Frijoles Canyon


I’ll leave y’all with one more thought to mull over, if the ancient astronaut theory is true and extraterrestrial visitors came and taught the technologies to some civilizations, why didn’t they bestow this wisdom on the early Pueblo people of Frijoles Canyon?  For that matter, on any of the early Indian peoples of North America?  

PS: I'm not the only person who believes in the spacemen, ET has been holding vigil on the mountain road to Los Alamos for as long as anyone can remember.


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